News Anchor at WMAR ABC2
Kelly’s Bio:
Copyright: Scripps Media, Inc
We call Baltimore home now, but I was born and raised in Ohio. I’ve worked in Ohio, Wisconsin, and Florida. Thirteen years ago my husband and I moved
to Charm City to be closer to my parents who live in Northern Virginia. You can catch me on the evening news at 5, 6 and 11 pm on channel 2.
My favorite hobby is shopping. I am a shopaholic! I love to shop but hate to pay full price. I am already sharing the secrets of my shopping success with my 11 year old daughter. She’s a rising 7th grader and I can already tell we have very different tastes when it comes to fashion.
You can only use one makeup item before leaving your house. What item do you choose?
Lip gloss
What is your favorite decade of fashion trends?
What is one piece of fashion or beauty advice?
Wash your face twice a day.
What type of beauty products do you use on a daily basis?
MAC makeup, Dove unscented soap, eye makeup remover, Mary Kay moisturizer
How long does it take you to do your makeup?
20 minutes
If someone calls you beautiful, how do you react? Accept the compliment or deny it?
I accept it and say thanks!
In your opinion, is there too much pressure for women to look a certain way?
There is still a lot of emphasis on body size. However I do feel there is a better
selection of clothing for women of all sizes.
In your opinion, what makes a woman beautiful?
A confident woman is a beautiful woman.
Where can readers learn more about you?
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kellyswoopeabc2/
Twitter: twitter.com/SwoopefromABC2
Instagram: www.instagram.com/kellyswoope/