Psychotherapist, TV commentator, Author
Dr. Ludwig’s Bio:

Photographer: Adam Chinitz
Robi Ludwig, Psy.D. is a nationally known psychotherapist, award-winning reporter, author, and she is a relationship contributor for Investigation Discover Network’s Scorned. She is a regular guest expert on CNN, FOX News, and Headline News, and has appeared on Today, 20/20, The View, Steve Harvey, The Wendy Williams Show, Entertainment Tonight, World News Tonight, and Nightline. She is also on the medical board and a contributor for Bella Magazine and also writes for The Huffington Post. She is a spokesperson for BabyCenter.com, a website for new and expectant moms. Dr. Ludwig has a private practice in New York City, where she also lives with her husband and two kids.
You can only use one makeup item before leaving your house. What item do you choose?
Hmmmmmmmmmm…….that’s a tough one to answer. I would probably say lip gloss.
I’m a big lip gloss person. That or base. Putting on base can make a whole world of difference to your look, especially when you’re running out of the house.
What is your favorite decade of fashion trends?
I really love the 70’s. I love the jewelry from that time period. It’s so large and fun. I’m a big statements piece person and I love the hippie looks. It’s so casual, yet stylish at the same time. I try to incorporate 70’s style pieces into my wardrobe whenever I can.
What is one piece of fashion or beauty advice?
My one piece of fashion or beauty advice is to figure out how to like yourself and enjoy your look. When you can enjoy and like yourself, it makes such a difference in how you are perceived by others, as well as how the world experiences you.
What type of beauty products do you use on a daily basis?
I’ve been really enjoying Life Line Skin Care lately. It’s on the expensive side, but I like the way it feels and the way it makes my skin look. I like make up products that have good pigment. Some of my favorite lip glosses right now are Anastasia and Gerard. I’m pretty open when it comes to trying different makeup products. I look for the different colors that I like and then take it from there.
How long does it take you to do your makeup?
I can put on my makeup pretty quickly when I have to. I can do it as fast as 10 minutes. But If I want to do a good job, I probably need to take a bit longer than that. But rarely does it take me more than 20 minutes if I’m doing it myself.
When do you feel the most beautiful?
I probably feel the most beautiful when I’m getting ready to go out for a fun event. That’s usually when I put more effort into my look. Right before I’m going out or before I go on television.
If someone calls you beautiful, how do you react? Accept the compliment or deny it?
If someone tells me I look beautiful, I’m happy to hear it and take in the compliment. I’m always appreciative when someone tells me I look nice.
In your opinion, what makes a woman beautiful?
Beauty truly is as beauty does. It may sound paradoxical, but the less one obsesses about herself and her looks, the prettier she’ll present to those around her. The odds are the attractive person who knows how to concentrate on others, begins to shine as a genuine beauty.
Our outer beauty is not simply a byproduct of how symmetrical our features are; it’s far more complex than that. Yes, in part, it’s about how we look, but it’s also about how we take care of ourselves, how we feel about ourselves, our positive self-regard, and our how we share these traits with others. It’s about learning to define our own brand of beauty and celebrating our uniqueness with the world.
It’s important to develop a supportive internal dialogue to take care of yourself, sending the message to your psyche that you matter. When you change the way you feel about yourself, along with your emotions and your judgments, it can redefine how beautiful you are experienced in the world.
The more beautifully you act, feel, and make others feel about themselves, the more beautiful you will appear. The more kind you are to yourself and others, the more self-confident you are, and the more have fun you have, the more attractive you will be. It’s a winning combination that will activate both your inner and outer radiance and magnificence.
Do you have any additional comments or information you would like to share?
I recently came out with my new book called Your Best Age is Now, published by Harper One. In this book, I dispel many of the mythic ideas we’ve been taught to believe about midlife. I identify some of the cultural scripts that don’t really serve us well, or support our personal sense of self-worth or beauty. I’m very excited to write a book that can be a major conversation changer in terms of how we see ourselves during this time of life. I believe it’s very important to rebel against ideas which are no longer true, backed by modern science or don’t serve us well.
Where can readers learn more about you?
Website: www.drrobiludwig.com
About.me: about.me/drrobiludwig
Facebook: www.facebook.com/drrobiludwig
Twitter: twitter.com/drrobiludwig
Instagram: www.instagram.com/Drrobiludwig/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/drrobiludwig
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/DrRobiLudwig