Actress, voice over talent, print model, and yogi
Connie’s Bio:

Photographer: Joe Henson
Connie Bowman is an actress, voice over talent, yoga instructor, and author of Back to Happy, A Journey of Hope, Healing and Waking Up. Connie has worked on commercials, industrials, films (Grease, Nextnik, Geographically Desirable) and television (The Wire) for more than twenty years. She is also the host of the podcast Happy Healthy You! about living a whole life in mind, body and spirit.
Current Projects:
Commercial projects, Voiceover project, Happy Healthy You podcast (about living a whole life in mind, body, and spirit – on which Carol was a guest)
You can only use one makeup item before leaving your house. What item do you choose?
What was/is your favorite decade of fashion trends?
Now. Because it’s very in to wear no makeup!
What is one piece of fashion or beauty advice?
Always cleanse, tone and moisturize. Never roll into bed without taking time to cleanse your face, no matter how tired you are! Also, learn to do a yoga headstand. 🙂
What type of beauty products do you use on a daily basis?
I am liking Skinceuticals right now – cleanser, moisturizer and their CE Ferulic is awesome.
How long does it take you to do your makeup?
Depends. If I am working on-camera and don’t have the luxury of someone like Carol, maybe 30 minutes. For a regular day – 5 minutes. I don’t need any make-up to do voice over work!
When do you feel the most beautiful?
Teaching a yoga class
If someone calls you beautiful, how do you react? Accept the compliment or deny it?
I don’t receive compliments easily. Growing up I always felt that looks were way over emphasized and I still think it’s that way, especially for girls and women. I wanted to be seen for my spirit. Now, tell me I am a beautiful soul and I am all over that!
In your opinion, is there too much pressure for women to look a certain way?
Absolutely but we are changing that – slowly, but surely. Look at my girl, Gloria Steinem. She’s a beauty at 82 and she’s fierce!
In your opinion, what makes a woman beautiful?
Confidence, joy, health and a loving presence
What advice would you give to a young girl on how to feel beautiful and confident?
Everyone is beautiful in her own way and brings unique gifts into the world. Find what really lights you up and share it with others. Enthusiasm and passion are better than blush! Be yourself. You are enough. Steer clear of anyone who tells you otherwise.
Where can readers learn more about you?
Website: conniebowman.com
Facebook: facebook.com/happyhealthyyoupodcast
Twitter: twitter.com/connietbowman
Youtube: youtube.com/user/ctbwmc81
IMDb: imdb.com/name/nm2845468/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1