You don’t have to be a massage therapist to appreciate a terrific massage oil. The beautifully crafted formula and the many uses of Arbonne’s massage oil from their Seasource Detox Spa line make this a huge winner. It’s designed to be part of a skin-detoxing spa product line and it contains ocean nutrients derived from deep sea algae, seaweed, sea kelp and spirulina, as well as 4 natural plant oils. The combination blend stimulates the skin to remove toxins and basically just feels amazing. Every massage therapist I’ve taken it to has fallen in love with it. The scent is clean and irresistible, and clears your mind in that true aromatherapy way. Makes a wonderful body oil for dry skin and a delightful addition to a warm bath. If you love spa products, you will go crazy for this. $49 for a generous, long-lasting 6 fl. oz. size with a nice pump dispenser. Available only from Arbonne consultants or online at (they’ll assign you someone if you don’t know an Arbonne rep). Or visit the Products page of my website.